Tang Lab: Integrative Mechanobiology & Biophysics
(5/2/24) We celebrated our PhD student Chenyu Liang's PhD graduation. Thanks very much to all Chenyu's great PhD committees, collaborators, our lab members, and mentees! We are really grateful.
(4/25/24) We celebrated our lab's awards in MAE Annual Banquet. Thanks very much to all our lab members, collaborators, and colleagues! We deeply appreciate your kind supports and contributions.
(4/6/24) We celebrated Chenyu Liang's successful completion of PhD defense/dissertation. Thanks very much to all Chenyu's PhD committees, collaborators, and mentored students! We are really grateful.
(2/6/24) New Best Poster Awards for Cole, Quang, Miao, Charles, Erica, and Abygale at NanoDay Symposium. Laura present her 1st poster in the BMS student visit events. Congratulations to All of YOU!
(1/12/24) Our Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) course 2024 starts now! A new excellent STEM cohort has joined us in the journey. Thanks a lot to Ethan Lantzy and Anne Donnelly!
(12/12/23) Dr. Abbas Babajani-Feremi kindly hosted us in the Magnetoencephalography (MEG) Lab at the Norman Fixel Institute of Neurological Diseases. Thanks very much to Dr. Babajani-Feremi and our students in EML-6934 "Biophysics for Engineers"! Your great contributions are the key of this nice visit.
(12/01/22) New datasets on all-optical mechanobiology and electrophysiology in cells are being obtained. Thanks very much to all our high-school (K-12), undergraduate, and graduate students who participated in the hands-on experiments ! Your great contributions are the key of this research.
(11/28/22) New Best Poster Awards for our Erica, Abygale, Mitchell, Andrea, Chenyu, and Dr. Tian He!
(08/01/22) Our Mitchell successfully completed his NSF REU presentation (with the help from Chenyu, other lab members, high-school (K-12) students, and post-doctoral fellows)! Thanks very much to all our collaborators in MAE, ECE, BME, Clinical, and Medicine Departments.
(06/01/22) Our new NSF REU mentee Mitchell and Others!
(02/01/22) Our undergrad trainees Andrea, Amanda, Matt, and Alexa are testing new research devices!
(11/01/21) Our custom-built instrumentations for all-optical mechanobiology and electrophysiology interrogation are ready to work. Thanks very much to all our high-school (K-12), undergraduate, and graduate students, as well as our collaborators, who participated in the installation experiments !
(06/01/21) Our new NSF REU mentee Hayley and Others!
(10/01/19) We are meeting many our great friends and colleagues in Dr. Yuan-Cheng Fung's 100th Birthday Celebration at San Diego, CA! Thank you very much, all our organizers and colleagues!